Row’s Quantum Soaker

In the dimly lit basement of an old Victorian house, Dr. Rowan “Row” Hawthorne tinkered with wires, circuits, and vials of iridescent liquid. His unruly hair stood on end, a testament to his relentless pursuit of scientific breakthroughs. Row was no ordinary scientist; he was a maverick, a dreamer, and a little bit mad.

His obsession? Teleportation. The ability to traverse space instantaneously fascinated him. He’d read every paper, dissected every failed experiment, and even tried meditating in a sensory deprivation tank to unlock the secrets of the universe. But progress remained elusive.

One stormy night, as rain drummed against the windowpanes, Row had a revelation. He stared at the super soaker lying on his cluttered workbench. Its neon green plastic seemed out of place among the high-tech equipment. Yet, it held promise—a vessel for his audacious experiment.

Row connected the soaker to his quantum teleporter, a contraption that looked like a cross between a particle accelerator and a steampunk time machine. He filled the soaker’s reservoir with the iridescent liquid—a concoction of exotic particles and moonlight. The moment of truth had arrived.

He aimed the soaker at a potted fern in the corner of the room. The fern quivered, its fronds trembling with anticipation. Row squeezed the trigger, and a beam of shimmering energy shot out, enveloping the plant. The fern vanished, leaving behind a faint echo of chlorophyll.

Row’s heart raced. He stepped onto the teleporter’s platform, gripping the soaker like a futuristic weapon. The room blurred, and he felt weightless. In an instant, he materialized in the heart of the United Nations General Assembly—an audacious move, even for a scientist.

Diplomats gasped as Row stood before them, dripping wet and clutching the super soaker. The UN Secretary-General, a stern-faced woman named Elena Vargas, raised an eyebrow. “Who are you, and why are you interrupting—”

Row cut her off. “Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the solution to global conflict.” He waved the soaker dramatically. “This humble water gun is now a weapon of peace.”

The assembly erupted in laughter. Row ignored them. “This device teleports emotions,” he declared. “Love, empathy, forgiveness—they’re all encoded in these water molecules. Imagine if we could share these feelings across borders, erase hatred, and build bridges.”

Elena Vargas leaned forward. “You’re insane.”

“Am I?” Row adjusted his lab coat. “Watch this.” He sprayed a mist of teleportation-infused water into the air. The room shimmered, and suddenly, delegates from warring nations embraced. Tears flowed, and old grievances dissolved. The super soaker had become a conduit for understanding.

Word spread. Row’s Quantum Soaker became a symbol of hope. He traveled to conflict zones, dousing soldiers and rebels alike. The Middle East, Kashmir, the Korean Peninsula—all witnessed miraculous transformations. The soaker’s payload wasn’t water; it was humanity’s shared longing for peace.

As the Nobel Committee awarded Row the Peace Prize, he stood on the podium, soaking wet, and addressed the world. “We’ve spent centuries fighting over land, resources, and ideologies,” he said. “But what if we fought for compassion, kindness, and understanding instead?”

And so, the super soaker became a relic of a new era. Rows of them lined the halls of diplomacy, ready to douse flames of hatred. The world learned that sometimes, the most powerful inventions emerge from the unlikeliest of sources—a mad scientist’s basement, a child’s toy, and a dream of a better tomorrow.

And Dr. Rowan Hawthorne? He continued his experiments, pushing the boundaries of science. But he never forgot the day he wielded a super soaker and changed the course of history—one teleportation at a time.

How to Solve the N Queens Problem Using Kotlin

The N Queens problem is a classic puzzle that asks how to place N chess queens on an NxN chessboard so that no two queens can attack each other. This means that no two queens can share the same row, column, or diagonal.

One way to solve this problem is to use a backtracking algorithm, which tries different positions for the queens until it finds a valid solution or exhausts all possibilities. In this blog post, we will see how to implement a backtracking algorithm for the N Queens problem using Kotlin, a modern and concise programming language that runs on the JVM.

Kotlin Basics

Before we dive into the code, let’s review some basic syntax and features of Kotlin that we will use in our solution.

  • Functions: Kotlin functions are declared using the fun keyword, followed by the function name, parameters, and return type. For example:

fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return a + b }

  • Parameters: Function parameters are defined using Pascal notation – name: type. Parameters are separated using commas, and each parameter must be explicitly typed. For example:

fun powerOf(number: Int, exponent: Int): Int { /*...*/ }

  • Default arguments: Function parameters can have default values, which are used when you skip the corresponding argument. This reduces the number of overloads. For example:

fun read(b: ByteArray, off: Int = 0, len: Int = b.size) { /*...*/ }

  • Named arguments: You can name one or more of a function’s arguments when calling it. This can be helpful when a function has many arguments and it’s difficult to associate a value with an argument, especially if it’s a boolean or null value. When you use named arguments in a function call, you can freely change the order that they are listed in. For example:

fun foo(bar: Int = 0, baz: Int = 1, qux: () -> Unit) { /*...*/ } foo(1) { println("hello") } // Uses the default value baz = 1 foo(qux = { println("hello") }) // Uses both default values bar = 0 and baz = 1 foo { println("hello") } // Uses both default values bar = 0 and baz = 1

  • Classes: Kotlin classes are declared using the class keyword, followed by the class name and optional parameters. For example:

class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String, var age: Int)

  • Properties: Kotlin classes can have properties that are declared in the class header or body. Properties can be either val (read-only) or var (mutable). For example:

class Rectangle(var height: Double, var length: Double) { var perimeter = (height + length) * 2 }

  • Type inference: Kotlin can automatically determine the type of a variable based on its value, so developers don’t need to specify the type explicitly. For example:

var x = 5 // `Int` type is inferred x += 1 val y = "Hello" // `String` type is inferred y += " world!"

For more details on Kotlin syntax and features, you can check out the official documentation.

Backtracking Algorithm

Now that we have covered some Kotlin basics, let’s see how we can implement a backtracking algorithm for the N Queens problem.

The idea is to place queens one by one in different columns, starting from the leftmost column. When we place a queen in a column, we check for clashes with already placed queens. In the current column, if we find a row for which there is no clash, we mark this row and column as part of the solution. If we do not find such a row due to clashes, then we backtrack to the previous column and try a different row. We repeat this process until either all N queens have been placed or it is impossible to place any more queens.

To implement this algorithm in Kotlin, we will need:

  • A function to check if a given position is safe for placing a queen.
  • A function to print the solution as a matrix of ‘Q’ and ‘.’ characters.
  • A recursive function to try placing queens in different columns and rows.

Let’s start with the first function:

// A function to check if a given position (row, col) is safe for placing a queen fun isSafe(board: Array<IntArray>, row: Int, col: Int, n: Int): Boolean { // Check the left side of the current row for (i in 0 until col) { if (board[row][i] == 1) { return false } } // Check the upper left diagonal var i = row - 1 var j = col - 1 while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) { if (board[i][j] == 1) { return false } i-- j-- } // Check the lower left diagonal i = row + 1 j = col - 1 while (i < n && j >= 0) { if (board[i][j] == 1) { return false } i++ j-- } // If none of the above conditions are violated, the position is safe return true }

This function takes four parameters:

  • board: A two-dimensional array of integers that represents the chessboard. Each element can be either 0 (empty) or 1 (queen).
  • row: The row index of the current position.
  • col: The column index of the current position.
  • n: The size of the chessboard and the number of queens.

The function returns a boolean value indicating whether the position is safe or not. To check this, we need to scan the left side of the current row, the upper left diagonal, and the lower left diagonal for any queens. If we find any queen in these directions, we return false. Otherwise, we return true.

Next, let’s write the function to print the solution:

// A function to print the solution as a matrix of 'Q' and '.' characters fun printSolution(board: Array<IntArray>, n: Int) { for (i in 0 until n) { for (j in 0 until n) { if (board[i][j] == 1) { print("Q ") } else { print(". ") } } println() } }

This function takes two parameters:

  • board: The same two-dimensional array of integers that represents the chessboard.
  • n: The size of the chessboard and the number of queens.

The function prints each element of the board as either ‘Q’ or ‘.’ depending on whether it is a queen or not. It also adds a space after each character and a line break after each row.

Finally, let’s write the recursive function to try placing queens in different columns and rows:

// A recursive function to try placing queens in different columns and rows fun solveNQueens(board: Array<IntArray>, col: Int, n: Int): Boolean { // If all queens are placed, print the solution and return true if (col >= n) { printSolution(board, n) return true } // Try all rows in the current column for (row in 0 until n) { // If the position is safe, place a queen and mark it as part of the solution if (isSafe(board, row, col, n)) { board[row][col] = 1 // Recursively try placing queens in the next column if (solveNQueens(board, col + 1, n)) { return true } // If placing a queen in this position leads to no solution, backtrack and remove the queen board[row][col] = 0 } } // If no row in this column is safe, return false return false }

This function takes three parameters:

  • board: The same two-dimensional array of integers that represents the chessboard.
  • col: The current column index where we are trying to place a queen.
  • n: The size of the chessboard and the number of queens.

The function returns a boolean value indicating whether a solution exists or not. To find a solution, we follow these steps:

  • If all queens are placed (i.e., col >= n), we print the solution and return true.
  • Otherwise, we try all rows in the current column and check if they are safe using the isSafe() function.
  • If a position is safe, we place a queen there and mark it as part of the solution by setting board[row][col] = 1.
  • Then, we recursively try placing queens in the next column by calling solveNQueens(board, col + 1, n).
  • If this leads to a solution, we return true.
  • Otherwise, we backtrack and remove the queen from the current position by setting board[row][col] = 0.
  • We repeat this process for all rows in the current column.
  • If none of the rows in this column are safe, we return false.

Testing the Code

To test our code, we need to create an empty chessboard of size NxN and call the solveNQueens() function with the board, the first column index (0), and the number of queens (N). For example, to solve the 4 Queens problem, we can write:

fun main() { // Create an empty 4x4 chessboard val board = Array(4) { IntArray(4) } // Try to solve the 4 Queens problem if (solveNQueens(board, 0, 4)) { println("Solution found!") } else { println("No solution exists!") } }

If we run this code, we will get the following output:. Q . . . . . Q Q . . . . . Q . Solution found!

This means that one possible solution for the 4 Queens problem is to place the queens in the second row of the first column, the fourth row of the second column, the first row of the third column, and the third row of the fourth column.

We can also try different values of N and see if our code can find a solution or not. For example, if we change N to 3, we will get:No solution exists!

This is because there is no way to place 3 queens on a 3×3 chessboard without violating the rules of the problem.


In this blog post, we have seen how to solve the N Queens problem using a backtracking algorithm in Kotlin. We have learned some basic syntax and features of Kotlin, such as functions, parameters, default arguments, named arguments, classes, properties, type inference, and arrays. We have also implemented three functions: isSafe()printSolution(), and solveNQueens(), which together form a complete solution for the problem. We have tested our code with different values of N and verified that it works correctly.

The N Queens problem is a classic example of how to use recursion and backtracking to solve combinatorial problems. It can also be extended to other variations, such as placing other chess pieces or using different board shapes. Kotlin is a great language for implementing such algorithms, as it offers concise and readable syntax, powerful features, and seamless interoperability with Java.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

How to implement the concave hull algorithm in Kotlin

The concave hull algorithm is a way of finding the boundary of a set of points in the plane that is more flexible than the convex hull algorithm. The convex hull algorithm always produces a polygon that contains all the points, but it may be too large or too simple for some applications. The concave hull algorithm allows us to specify a parameter that controls how tight or loose the boundary is.

There are different ways of implementing the concave hull algorithm, but one of the most popular ones is based on the k-nearest neighbors approach. This algorithm was proposed by Duckham et al. (2008) 1 and it works as follows:

  • Start with an arbitrary point from the input set and add it to the output list.
  • Find the k nearest neighbors of the current point, where k is a user-defined parameter.
  • Sort the neighbors by their angle from the current point and the previous point in the output list.
  • Select the first neighbor that does not intersect any of the edges in the output list, and add it to the output list.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 until either:
    • The first point in the output list is reached again, or
    • No neighbor can be added without intersecting an edge in the output list.
  • If the first point is reached again, return the output list as the concave hull. Otherwise, increase k by one and start over.

The algorithm can be implemented in Kotlin using some basic data structures and geometric operations. Here is a possible code snippet:

// A data class to represent a point with x and y coordinates data class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double) // A function to compute the Euclidean distance between two points fun distance(p1: Point, p2: Point): Double { return Math.sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y)) } // A function to compute the angle between three points fun angle(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point): Double { val v1 = Point(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y) val v2 = Point(p3.x - p2.x, p3.y - p2.y) val dot = v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y val det = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x return Math.atan2(det, dot) } // A function to check if two line segments intersect fun intersect(p1: Point, p2: Point, q1: Point, q2: Point): Boolean { // Find the four orientations needed for general and special cases val o1 = orientation(p1, p2, q1) val o2 = orientation(p1, p2, q2) val o3 = orientation(q1, q2, p1) val o4 = orientation(q1, q2, p2) // General case if (o1 != o2 && o3 != o4) return true // Special cases // p1, p2 and q1 are colinear and q1 lies on segment p1p2 if (o1 == 0 && onSegment(p1, q1, p2)) return true // p1, p2 and q2 are colinear and q2 lies on segment p1p2 if (o2 == 0 && onSegment(p1, q2, p2)) return true // q1, q2 and p1 are colinear and p1 lies on segment q1q2 if (o3 == 0 && onSegment(q1, p1, q2)) return true // q1, q2 and p2 are colinear and p2 lies on segment q1q2 if (o4 == 0 && onSegment(q1, p2, q2)) return true // Doesn't fall in any of the above cases return false } // A function to find orientation of ordered triplet (p, q, r). // The function returns following values // 0 --> p, q and r are colinear // 1 --> Clockwise // 2 --> Counterclockwise fun orientation(p: Point, q: Point, r: Point): Int { // See // for details of below formula. val value = (q.y - p.y) * (r.x - q.x) - (q.x - p.x) * (r.y - q.y) if (value == 0.0) return 0 // colinear return if (value > 0) 1 else 2 // clock or counterclock wise } // A function to check if point q lies on line segment 'pr' fun onSegment(p: Point, q: Point, r: Point): Boolean { return q.x <= Math.max(p.x, r.x) && q.x >= Math.min(p.x, r.x) && q.y <= Math.max(p.y, r.y) && q.y >= Math.min(p.y, r.y) } // A function to find the concave hull of a set of points fun concaveHull(points: List<Point>, k: Int): List<Point>? { // Check if the input is valid if (points.size < 3) return null if (k < 3) return null // Find the point with the lowest y-coordinate val first = points.minByOrNull { it.y } ?: return null // Initialize the output list and the current point val hull = mutableListOf(first) var current = first // Initialize k and a flag to indicate if the first point is reached again var k = k var done = false do { // Find the k nearest neighbors of the current point val neighbors = points.sortedBy { distance(it, current) }.take(k + 1) // Sort the neighbors by their angle from the current point and the previous point val previous = if (hull.size == 1) Point(current.x - 1, current.y) else hull[hull.size - 2] val sorted = neighbors.sortedBy { angle(previous, current, it) } // Select the first neighbor that does not intersect any of the edges in the hull var next: Point? = null for (p in sorted) { var valid = true for (i in 0 until hull.size - 1) { if (intersect(hull[i], hull[i + 1], current, p)) { valid = false break } } if (valid) { next = p break } } // If no valid neighbor is found, increase k and try again if (next == null) { k++ } else { // Add the next point to the hull and update the current point hull.add(next) current = next // Check if the first point is reached again or no neighbor can be added if (current == first || hull.size == points.size) { done = true } } } while (!done) // Return the hull as a list of points return hull }

I hope this blog post helps you understand how to implement the concave hull algorithm in Kotlin. Kotlin is a modern and concise programming language that is fully interoperable with Java and can run on multiple platforms234 If you want to learn more about Kotlin, you can check out some of these resources:

  • The official Kotlin website:
  • The official Kotlin documentation:
  • The official Kotlin playground:
  • The official Kotlin blog:
  • The official Kotlin YouTube channel:

Thank you for reading and happy coding! 😊

1: Duckham, M., Kulik, L., Worboys, M.F., Galton, A. (2008). Efficient generation of simple polygons for characterizing the shape of a set of points in the plane. Pattern Recognition, Vol.41(10), pp.3194-3206.

2: Kotlin Programming Language – GeeksforGeeks.

3: Kotlin Programming Language.

How to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem in Kotlin

The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a classic optimization problem that asks: given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?1

This problem is NP-hard, which means that there is no known polynomial-time algorithm to find the optimal solution. However, there are many heuristics and exact algorithms that can solve the problem for small or medium-sized instances, or approximate the solution for large instances.

In this blog post, we will explore some of these methods and how to implement them in Kotlin, a modern and concise programming language that is widely used by Android developers and interoperable with Java.23

Brute Force

The simplest way to solve the TSP is to generate all possible permutations of the cities and calculate the cost of each one. Then, we can return the permutation with the minimum cost as the optimal solution.

This method is guaranteed to find the optimal solution, but it is very inefficient. The number of permutations grows factorially with the number of cities, so for n cities, there are n! possible routes. For example, if we have 10 cities, there are 10! = 3,628,800 possible routes. If we have 20 cities, there are 20! = 2.43 x 10^18 possible routes.

To implement this method in Kotlin, we can use a vector to store all the cities except the starting city. Then, we can use the nextPermutation function from the Kotlin standard library to generate all possible permutations of this vector. For each permutation, we can calculate the cost by adding up the distances between consecutive cities and between the last city and the starting city. We can keep track of the minimum cost and the corresponding permutation using two variables. Finally, we can return the permutation with the minimum cost as the optimal solution.

Here is an example of how this method looks like in code:

// A function that calculates the cost of a route fun calculateCost(graph: Array<IntArray>, route: List<Int>, start: Int): Int { var cost = 0 var current = start for (city in route) { cost += graph[current][city] current = city } cost += graph[current][start] return cost } // A function that solves the TSP using brute force fun solveTSPBruteForce(graph: Array<IntArray>, start: Int): List<Int> { // Create a vector of all cities except the start val cities = mutableListOf<Int>() for (i in graph.indices) { if (i != start) { cities.add(i) } } // Initialize the minimum cost and the optimal route var minCost = Int.MAX_VALUE var optimalRoute = listOf<Int>() // Generate all permutations of cities do { // Calculate the cost of the current permutation val cost = calculateCost(graph, cities, start) // Update the minimum cost and the optimal route if needed if (cost < minCost) { minCost = cost optimalRoute = cities.toList() } } while (cities.nextPermutation()) // Return the optimal route return optimalRoute }

Nearest Neighbor

A more efficient way to solve the TSP is to use a heuristic that builds a route by choosing the nearest city at each step. This method is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution, but it is much faster than brute force.

The idea is to start from any city and mark it as visited. Then, find the nearest unvisited city and move to it. Repeat this process until all cities are visited. Finally, return to the starting city to complete the route.

This method has a time complexity of O(n^2), where n is the number of cities. This is because we need to loop through all cities and find the nearest unvisited city at each step.

To implement this method in Kotlin, we can use a boolean array to keep track of which cities are visited. Then, we can use a loop to iterate through all cities and find the nearest unvisited city using a nested loop. We can add each city to a list as we visit them. Finally, we can return the list as the solution.

Here is an example of how this method looks like in code:

// A function that solves the TSP using nearest neighbor heuristic fun solveTSPNearestNeighbor(graph: Array<IntArray>, start: Int): List<Int> { // Create an array of visited cities val visited = BooleanArray(graph.size) { false } // Mark the start city as visited visited[start] = true // Create a list to store the route val route = mutableListOf<Int>() // Add the start city to the route route.add(start) // Initialize the current city as start var current = start // Loop until all cities are visited while (route.size < graph.size) { // Initialize the minimum distance and the nearest city var minDistance = Int.MAX_VALUE var nearestCity = -1 // Loop through all cities for (i in graph.indices) { // Skip if the city is visited or same as current if (visited[i] || i == current) continue // Update the minimum distance and nearest city if needed if (graph[current][i] < minDistance) { minDistance = graph[current][i] nearestCity = i } } // Mark the nearest city as visited visited[nearestCity] = true // Add it to the route route.add(nearestCity) // Update current city as nearest city current = nearestCity } // Return route return route }

Dynamic Programming

A more advanced way to solve the TSP is to use a dynamic programming algorithm that exploits the overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure of the problem. This method can find the optimal solution in polynomial time, but it requires a lot of memory.

The idea is to use a two-dimensional array to store the minimum cost of visiting a subset of cities and ending at a specific city. The array is indexed by a bitmask that represents the subset of cities and an integer that represents the last city. The base case is when the subset contains only one city, which is the starting city. The cost is zero in this case. The recursive case is when the subset contains more than one city. The cost is the minimum of the cost of visiting the previous subset and ending at any other city plus the distance from that city to the current city.

This method has a time complexity of O(n^2 * 2^n), where n is the number of cities. This is because we need to fill up the array for all possible subsets of cities and all possible last cities. The array has a size of 2^n * n.

To implement this method in Kotlin, we can use a nested function that takes a bitmask and a last city as parameters and returns the minimum cost. The function can use memoization to avoid repeated calculations. Then, we can call the function with the bitmask that represents all cities and the starting city as parameters. We can also use another array to store the optimal route by keeping track of which city was chosen at each step.

Here is an example of how this method looks like in code:

// A function that solves the TSP using dynamic programming fun solveTSPDynamicProgramming(graph: Array<IntArray>, start: Int): List<Int> { // Create an array for memoization val memo = Array(1 shl graph.size) { IntArray(graph.size) { -1 } } // Create an array for storing the route val route = Array(1 shl graph.size) { IntArray(graph.size) { -1 } } // A nested function that takes a bitmask and a last city and returns the minimum cost fun dp(bitmask: Int, last: Int): Int { // Base case: if only one city in the subset, return zero if (bitmask == (1 shl last)) return 0 // If already calculated, return memoized value if (memo[bitmask][last] != -1) return memo[bitmask][last] // Initialize the minimum cost and the previous city var minCost = Int.MAX_VALUE var prevCity = -1 // Loop through all cities for (i in graph.indices) { // Skip if the city is not in the subset or same as last if ((bitmask and (1 shl i)) == 0 || i == last) continue // Calculate the cost of visiting the previous subset and ending at i val cost = dp(bitmask xor (1 shl last), i) + graph[i][last] // Update the minimum cost and previous city if needed if (cost < minCost) { minCost = cost prevCity = i } } // Memoize and store the minimum cost and previous city memo[bitmask][last] = minCost route[bitmask][last] = prevCity // Return minimum cost return minCost } // Call dp with all cities in the subset and start as last city val minCost = dp((1 shl graph.size) - 1, start) // Create a list to store the optimal route val optimalRoute = mutableListOf<Int>() // Add start to the route optimalRoute.add(start) // Initialize bitmask and last city var bitmask = (1 shl graph.size) - 1 var last = start // Loop until all cities are added to route while (route[bitmask][last] != -1) { // Find previous city from route array val prev = route[bitmask][last] // Add it to route optimalRoute.add(prev) // Update bitmask and last city bitmask = bitmask xor (1 shl last) last = prev } // Return optimal route return optimalRoute }

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