Structural Design Patterns in Android Kotlin

Structural design patterns are all about how you compose objects and classes to obtain new functionality. They help you simplify the design by finding a simple way of realizing relationships between entities1. In this blog post, we will cover three common structural design patterns: adapter, decorator and facade. We will also see how to implement them in Kotlin using some of its features such as extension functions, data classes and delegation.

Adapter Pattern

The adapter pattern allows you to convert the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect. It lets you make incompatible classes work together by wrapping one of them with an adapter class that implements the desired interface2. For example, suppose you have a class that represents a book:data class Book(val title: String, val author: String, val pages: Int) Copy

And you have another class that represents a library:class Library { private val books = mutableListOf<Book>() fun addBook(book: Book) { books.add(book) } fun getBooks(): List<Book> { return books } } Copy

Now, suppose you want to use a third-party library that provides a function to print a list of books in a nice format. However, this function expects a list of objects that implement the Printable interface:interface Printable { fun print(): String } Copy

How can you make your Book class compatible with this function? One way is to use the adapter pattern. You can create an adapter class that implements Printable and wraps a Book object:class BookAdapter(private val book: Book) : Printable { override fun print(): String { return "Title: ${book.title}, Author: ${}, Pages: ${book.pages}" } } Copy

Then, you can use this adapter class to convert your list of books into a list of printable objects:val library = Library() library.addBook(Book("The Lord of the Rings", "J.R.R. Tolkien", 1178)) library.addBook(Book("Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "J.K. Rowling", 223)) library.addBook(Book("The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Douglas Adams", 180)) val printables = library.getBooks().map { book -> BookAdapter(book) } printBooks(printables) // This is the third-party function that expects a list of Printable objects Copy

Alternatively, you can use an extension function to achieve the same result without creating an adapter class:fun Book.toPrintable(): Printable { return object : Printable { override fun print(): String { return "Title: ${this@toPrintable.title}, Author: ${}, Pages: ${this@toPrintable.pages}" } } } val printables = library.getBooks().map { book -> book.toPrintable() } printBooks(printables) Copy

The advantage of using an extension function is that it reduces the amount of code and classes needed. However, it may not be suitable for complex scenarios where you need more control over the adaptation logic.

Decorator Pattern

The decorator pattern allows you to add new behavior or functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure or subclassing it. It lets you wrap an object with another object that implements the same interface and delegates all the requests to the original object while adding some extra logic before or after2. For example, suppose you have an interface that represents a coffee:interface Coffee { fun cost(): Double fun description(): String } Copy

And you have a concrete class that implements this interface:class Espresso : Coffee { override fun cost(): Double { return 1.5 } override fun description(): String { return "Espresso" } } Copy

Now, suppose you want to add some extra ingredients to your coffee, such as milk, whipped cream or caramel. One way is to use the decorator pattern. You can create an abstract class that implements Coffee and wraps another Coffee object:abstract class CoffeeDecorator(private val coffee: Coffee) : Coffee { override fun cost(): Double { return coffee.cost() } override fun description(): String { return coffee.description() } } Copy

Then, you can create concrete subclasses that extend this abstract class and add their own logic:class Milk(private val coffee: Coffee) : CoffeeDecorator(coffee) { override fun cost(): Double { return super.cost() + 0.5 } override fun description(): String { return "${super.description()}, Milk" } } class WhippedCream(private val coffee: Coffee) : CoffeeDecorator(coffee) { override fun cost(): Double { return super.cost() + 0.7 } override fun description(): String { return "${super.description()}, Whipped Cream" } } class Caramel(private val coffee: Coffee) : CoffeeDecorator(coffee) { override fun cost(): Double { return super.cost() + 0.8 } override fun description(): String { return "${super.description()}, Caramel" } } Copy

Then, you can use these decorator classes to create different combinations of coffee:val espresso = Espresso() println("${espresso.description()} costs ${espresso.cost()}") // Espresso costs 1.5 val espressoWithMilk = Milk(espresso) println("${espressoWithMilk.description()} costs ${espressoWithMilk.cost()}") // Espresso, Milk costs 2.0 val espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream = WhippedCream(espressoWithMilk) println("${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream.description()} costs ${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream.cost()}") // Espresso, Milk, Whipped Cream costs 2.7 val espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCreamAndCaramel = Caramel(espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream) println("${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCreamAndCaramel.description()} costs ${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCreamAndCaramel.cost()}") // Espresso, Milk, Whipped Cream, Caramel costs 3.5 Copy

Alternatively, you can use delegation instead of inheritance to implement the decorator pattern in Kotlin. You can create an interface that represents a decorator:interface Decorator<T> : T { val delegate: T } Copy

Then, you can create concrete classes that implement this interface and delegate all the requests to the wrapped object while adding their own logic:class Milk(override val delegate: Coffee) : Decorator<Coffee>, Coffee by delegate { override fun cost(): Double { return delegate.cost() + 0.5 } override fun description(): String { return "${delegate.description()}, Milk" } } class WhippedCream(override val delegate: Coffee) : Decorator<Coffee>, Coffee by delegate { override fun cost(): Double { return delegate.cost() + 0.7 } override fun description(): String { return "${delegate.description()}, Whipped Cream" } } class Caramel(override val delegate: Coffee) : Decorator<Coffee>, Coffee by delegate { override fun cost(): Double { return delegate.cost() + 0.8 } override fun description(): String { return "${delegate.description()}, Caramel" } } Copy

Then, you can use these decorator classes to create different combinations of coffee as before:val espresso = Espresso() println("${espresso.description()} costs ${espresso.cost()}") // Espresso costs 1.5 val espressoWithMilk = Milk(espresso) println("${espressoWithMilk.description()} costs ${espressoWithMilk.cost()}") // Espresso, Milk costs 2.0 val espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream = WhippedCream(espressoWithMilk) println("${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream.description()} costs ${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream.cost()}") // Espresso, Milk, Whipped Cream costs 2.7 val espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCreamAndCaramel = Caramel(espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCream) println("${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCreamAndCaramel.description()} costs ${espressoWithMilkAndWhippedCreamAndCaramel.cost()}") // Espresso, Milk, Whipped Cream, Caramel costs 3.5 Copy

The advantage of using delegation is that it avoids creating unnecessary subclasses and makes the code more concise and readable.

Facade Pattern

The facade pattern simplifies the interaction with a complex system or library by providing a unified and easy-to-use interface. It hides the details and implementation of the system from the clients and exposes only the essential functionality. For example, suppose you have a complex library that offers various functions for image processing:class ImageProcessingLibrary { fun loadBitmap(path: String): Bitmap { ... } fun resizeBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap, width: Int, height: Int): Bitmap { ... } fun cropBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Bitmap { ... } fun applyFilter(bitmap: Bitmap, filter: Filter): Bitmap { ... } fun saveBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap, path: String) { ... } // ... more functions } Copy

Using this library directly may be cumbersome and error-prone for the clients. They need to know how to use each function correctly and in what order. For example, if they want to load an image from a file, resize it, apply a filter and save it back to another file, they need to write something like this:val library = ImageProcessingLibrary() val bitmap = library.loadBitmap("input.jpg") val resizedBitmap = library.resizeBitmap(bitmap, 300, 300) val filteredBitmap = library.applyFilter(resizedBitmap, Filter.GRAYSCALE) library.saveBitmap(filteredBitmap, "output.jpg") Copy

To make this task easier and more convenient, you can use the facade pattern. You can create a class that acts as a facade for the library and provides a simple interface for common operations:class ImageProcessor(private val library: ImageProcessingLibrary) { fun processImage(inputPath: String, outputPath: String, width: Int, height: Int, filter: Filter) { val bitmap = library.loadBitmap(inputPath) val resizedBitmap = library.resizeBitmap(bitmap, width, height) val filteredBitmap = library.applyFilter(resizedBitmap, filter) library.saveBitmap(filteredBitmap, outputPath) } // ... more functions for other operations } Copy

Then, the clients can use this facade class to perform the same operation with less code and complexity:val processor = ImageProcessor(ImageProcessingLibrary()) processor.processImage("input.jpg", "output.jpg", 300, 300, Filter.GRAYSCALE) Copy

The advantage of using the facade pattern is that it reduces the coupling between the clients and the system or library. It also improves the readability and maintainability of the code by encapsulating the logic and details of the system or library in one place.


In this blog post, we have learned about three common structural design patterns: adapter, decorator and facade. We have seen how they can help us simplify the design and implementation of our Android applications by composing objects and classes in different ways. We have also seen how to implement them in Kotlin using some of its features such as extension functions, data classes and delegation. We hope you have enjoyed this post and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy coding!

Author: John Rowan

I am a Senior Android Engineer and I love everything to do with computers. My specialty is Android programming but I actually love to code in any language specifically learning new things.

Author: John Rowan

I am a Senior Android Engineer and I love everything to do with computers. My specialty is Android programming but I actually love to code in any language specifically learning new things.

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